Spider Solitaire

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Spider Solitaire

4.7/5 (1030 votes)

Game instructions

Getting started

Start a new game or join an open game of a fellow player. If you start a game you can set your bet level. You can also select 1 of 2 difficulty levels: you play with 1 suit (Spades) in level 1 and 2 suits (Spades and Hearts) in level 2. Every player begins with the same cards, meaning everyone has equal chances at winning.

The remaining time in the game is shown at the edge of the gaming table (you have 30 minutes in total to play a round of Spider Solitaire), along with your current bet and credit. You can also view your current points and number of turns. Moreover, you may chat with your fellow players using the chat feature.


Spider Solitaire is played with a total of 104 cards. At the start of the game 10 stacks of cards (totalling 54 cards) are placed on the gaming table. The first card of each deck is shown face-up. The remaining 50 cards are placed in 5 stacks each containing 10 cards. The cards in these stacks remain face-down.

The aim of the game is to arrange all cards on the table into sequences. A sequence is a stack of cards in descending order of value in the same suit, e.g. 7 Spades, 6 Spades, 5 Spades and 4 Spades. If you have a complete sequence of 13 cards (King to Ace), it will be removed from the game automatically. Every completed sequence will get you points.

During the game, only cards and sequences which begin with a card showing face-up may be moved around the table. You can move cards onto a higher ranking card elsewhere on the playing field or a sequence (e.g. move a 7 onto an 8). You may move any card or sequence to a free spot on the playing field or an empty target space. You can turn the uppermost card on a stack face-up if it is face-down.

Click on 'Deal cards' to turn one of the 5 supply stacks face-up on the playing field for you to use.

Variations: Difficulty level 2

In difficulty level 2, you have to form sequences of cards in the same suit (Hearts or Spades). To achieve this, you have to arrange your cards into their respective suits. You can discard cards regardless of their suit (e.g. 7 Hearts on 8 Spades). Completed sequences of cards of the same suit will be automatically cleared from the table.

End of the game

The game is over as soon as you have removed all cards from the table. If you no longer see an opportunity to make a useful move, you can end the game prematurely by clicking on the relevant button. The player with the highest number of points wins.


For every turn you take, a minus point is levied against your score. Positive points earned in play are then used to calculate your final score.

You receive positive points for the following actions:

  • 2 points for turning over a face-down card or for successfully placing a card or sequence on top of another card or sequence.
  • 26 points for forming a complete sequence (King to Ace) of cards of the same suit.
  • 100 points for completely clearing the table of all cards.