French Tarot has delighted aficionados of trick-taking games since the 15th century. It is a game of tactics and strategy. No round is ever the same. You decide whether you play alone or defeat your opponents with a partner by your side.
With 78 cards in the suits Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Clubs, you play for the greatest number of tricks in French Tarot. Please keep in mind: it's all about the Bouts. The lowest trump (1), the highest trump (2) and a card called “Excuse” have the highest value. The “Excuse” is neither a trump nor a suit card, but it can substitute for both.
Whether you play on your own or in a team – you will “slam”, announce and bid. You will take tricks and your opponents will try to prevent this, because each winning score calculated is subtracted from the loser's score in French Tarot. So, be on your guard and increase your points score with plenty of Bouts to emerge victorious.